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Health and Safety Preparedness

Brightonview is committed to serving the community and reducing the overall transmission of illnesses.  In partnership with our families, our heath and safety protocols will ensure that we operate with an agreeable level of risk through the school year.  

It is our mission to provide a consistent environment for children age 6 months to 6 years so that the families can rely on our services.  To successfully accomplish this, it requires a partnership with our families to maintain the highest standard of care and concern.  

We've been open and operating though the pandemic and are committed to health and safety of our staff and students. 

Consistent Classrooms

Our classrooms are designed to be consistent and functional

  • Consistent professional teaching staff

  • Classroom layouts with plenty of space

  • Classrooms are equip for prevention with double hand-washing sinks 

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Enhanced Health Protocols

Staff and families attending adhere to the health and safety protocols


  • Touchless sign-in and out from personal device

  • Families and staff agree to follow health and safety guidelines

health screen

Enhanced Preventative Measures

We take the following additional preventive measures

  • Assigned work mats

  • One-use material sanitization

  • Enhanced sanitizing and disinfecting procedures

  • Clean, open classrooms with plenty of natural light

Integrated Communication

One spot for all communication integrated with the staff making it easy to stay up-to-date

  • Potty, nap, lunch and more...

  • Contactless signing and out

  • Contactless health screenings

  • Newsletters and calendar updates

  • Daily updates including photos and videos!

  • Simple line of communication to teachers and administration

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